‘All India ATA Conference-19th August 2018 Report:

‘All India Ayurveda Teachers Conference’  19th August 2018 Report:

Dear all Ayurveda teachers,

We altogether had organized ALL INDIA AYURVEDA TEACHERS CONFERENCE in Pune on 19th August 2018 by Ayurveda Teachers Association. This was the first Conference to unite and organize all Ayurveda teachers across India from Private, Deemed, Government aided and Government colleges to provide an express their opinion on challenges & matters affecting Ayurveda education and of the Ayurveda teaching profession.

Dr. Rahul Suryavanshi, President of Association had given an introductory speech of conference containing today’s scenario about Ayurveda – science, students, Education & teachers.

The conference was planned to be inaugurated by Hon. Girishji Mahajan, Cabinet Minister, Medical Education & Water Resources Ministry, Maharashtra State; but due to some unavoidable circumstances he was not present in person. He has sent his warm wishes for conference & work of Association. The conference was inaugurated by hands of Dr. Manoj Nesari, advisor, Ministry of AYUSH, Dr. Shriram Savarikar, adviser, Medical Education, Maharashtra State & Dr. Kalidas Chavan, Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.

The organising committee had announced the official formation of Ayurveda teachers Association on this occasion. It is the only organisation on national level including four sectors of Ayurveda academia.

Dr. Manoj Nesari said “The major problem of Ayurveda teachers is the low pay they are getting. At AYUSH, we are working on new policies to improve the pay of Ayurveda teachers. AYUSH in collaboration with other ministries like railway & labour is starting dedicated departments of Ayurveda at their hospitals, which will provide new opportunity to budding Ayurveda doctors.”

Dr. Shriram Svarikar said “Ayurveda teacher has to set his own value & act accordingly with more dedication towards their profession”.

Dr. K. D. Chavan said “M. U. H. S., Nashik will continue its journey with positive attitude to solve problems of Ayurveda teachers which will ultimately help to improve Ayurveda education & in turn it will increase reputation of our Health University.”

Dr. Manoj Chaudhari, Secretary had delivered vote of thanks about guests, principals, BOS members, speakers, guests, chairmans, co-chairmans, session in charges & participants. For this conference total 700 + registrations were made by Ayurveda teachers from all over India. But due to situations like Kerala flood, CCIM hearing dates, etc. actually 300+ teachers have attended it. Total 18 Principals of different Ayurveda colleges, 20 BOS members of M.U.H.S., Nashik & Ayurveda teachers from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar Uttarakhand, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, etc. were present & participated actively in this conference. On this occasion, Principals & BOS members were felicitated with giving memento as a symbol of love & memory.

In this conference ‘ MSR by CCIM’ was nicely explained by Dr. Ashutosh Kulkarni (CCIM Member R. T. Ayurved College, Akola. “ Problems of Ayurveda Teachers & Solutions” the topic was elaborated by Dr. Nagraj Pujari (Dean, PG Teaching, SDM Ayurveda College, Udupi). Prof. S. P. Lawande (General Secretary, Maharashtra Federation of University & College Teachers Organization, MFUCTO) had explained “ Need of Ayurveda Teachers Association” Dr. Sanjaykumar Dalvi (Former Director, Students Welfare, Savitribai Phule University & HOD of Physics department) was successful to understand “Legal Rights of Ayurveda teachers” to the participants.

For those sessions, Dr. Prashant Dalvi, Dr. Sunil Mhetre, Dr. Manisha Deokate, Dr. Yogesh Badwe, Dr. Anshuman Rajnala, Dr. Pramod Khobragade, Dr. Devdatta Deeshmukh, Dr. Sanjay Batra, Dr. Dipak Dobade, Dr. Ramchandra Babar, Dr. Vihar Bidwai & Dr. Anil Deshpande were very effectively contributed as Chairman, co-chairman & session in charges.

In this conference, suggestions which were made by teachers from all over India for resolutions to be passed were discussed. Sanskrit teacher delegates were personally given letter regarding problems of Sanskrit teachers & requested to address it.

State wise Committees were declared& felicitated by hands of Dr. V. V. Doiphode, Chairman, Rashtriya Shikshan Mandal who was chief guest of valedictory function. Dr. Jondhale P. B. had given vote of thanks of valedictory function.

Dr. Nitin Chandurkar (Vice President), Dr. Anand Madgundi (Treasurer), Dr. Arun Dudhmal (Working President), Dr. Nitin Waghmare, Dr. Sachin Chandaliya, Dr. Sandeep Jadhao, Dr. Kshitija Shinde, Dr. Dattatray Lode, Dr. Prakash Thombare, Dr. Rameshvar Pawar & all registration committee members made very nice contribution to make this conference successful.

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