Category: Activities
श्री धन्वंतरि जयंती एवं & राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद दिन के अवसर पर विशेष व्याख्यान:
आयुर्वेद टीचर्स असोसिएशन महिला विंग एवं महाराष्ट्र राज्य; शाखा आयोजित श्री धन्वंतरि जयंती एवं & राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद दिन के अवसर पर विशेष व्याख्यान: आयुर्वेदके अनुसार पोषण – व्याख्याता – डॉ. मेधा कुलकर्णी (विभाग प्रमुख,...
Ajadi_ka_Amrit_Mahotsav🎺 National Ayurveda Day Celebration
Ajadi_ka_Amrit_Mahotsav🎺 National Ayurveda Day Celebration🎺 🗓️02-11-2021 ⏲️12:00 p.m.IST onwards 📖First Book Launch Programm e -on Ayush Darpan Foundation📖 Polycystic ovarian disease: an Approach to Ayurveda multimodality treatment 🎤 Dr Rajshree Katke Sonkwde, Prof and...
Upcoming events
Upcoming events Ayurveda Teaches Association has planned to arrange a National conference on UPDATE- AYURVEDA in the Month of August 2022.
Webinars arranged by ATA
Webinars arranged by ATA Ayurveda Teaches Association arranging various Seminars, Webinars for teachers to increase academic performance.
Official meeting with Hon. Prof. Dr. Nitin Karmalkar Sir
Official meeting with Hon. Prof. Dr. Nitin Karmalkar Sir Dear All Ayurveda Teachers, Our ATA delegation had Acting Vice-Chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. regarding following points – 1. Career Advancement Scheme (time-bound...
ATA meeting with MED Hon. Minister Mr. Amit Deshmukh Sir
ATA meeting with MED Hon. Minister Mr. Amit Deshmukh Sir Inauguration of AIRJATA Ayurveda Teachers Association had an official Video Conference meeting on 03/06/2021 with Maharashtra State’s Medical Education and Drug Minister Hon. Mr....
National Webinar on NAAC
National Webinar on NAAC Accreditation of Ayurved Colleges FREE REGISTRATION The Ayurved Teachers Association ( has organized a national-level webinar on NAAC accreditation and Outcomes-based Education (OBE). The objective of this webinar is to...
ATA Impact For Diwali Vacation In MUHS Nashik, Maharashtra
ATA Impact For Diwali Vacation In MUHS Nashik, Maharashtra: Demand arises by ATA to avail the Diwali Vacation 2020 and the Impact of ATA Diwali Vacation is granted by MUHS Nashik, Maharashtra: